Sometimes, when you are out shopping, it can be hard to resist the temptation to indulge in impulse buying. Spending too much money on items that you may not need or may not be able to afford can be addictive and is a real challenge to break free from. If you are struggling with spending addiction issues, and you would like to learn how to discipline yourself not to be an addicted spender in shopping, here are some tips to help you get started.
1. Track your spending.
One of the best ways to help you break your spending addiction is to track your spending. Get a notebook and list all of your purchases in one place. This will help you to become aware of how much you are spending and where your money is going. After tracking your spending, you may be surprised to find out that you’ve been spending more money than you thought and on items that you probably don’t really need.
2. Set a budget and stick to it.
Creating and following a budget is essential for anyone wanting to limit their spending. When setting up a budget, be sure to list your monthly income, expenses, debts, and savings goals. Be sure to identify and prioritize your expenses and try to stick as much as possible to your budget.
3. Avoid marketing messages.
It’s all too easy to get caught up in marketing messages that tell you to “buy now” or “on sale this week”. Marketers are trained to make you want to buy their product even if it’s not something that you need. To avoid falling into the trap of buying items you don’t need, be sure to carefully monitor all marketing messages that may trigger your impulse to buy.
4. Delay your purchase decisions.
Next time you are out shopping and you are tempted to purchase an item, take a few steps back and ask yourself if this item is something you really need or if it’s something that can wait. A great tip is to walk away from the item and sleep on it. Chances are that if you still want to purchase the item the next day, then go ahead with your purchase, but if not, then you may have saved yourself some money.
5. Meditate or find another calming activity.
Meditation and other calming activities can be really helpful when trying to break free from addictive spending issues. It can be easy to become overwhelmed when shopping and we often use shopping to fill some sort of void that may be present in our lives. Practicing meditation and finding other calming activities such as yoga, reading, cooking, or taking a walk can help you to become more mindful and intentional with your spending.
Breaking free from spending addiction is no easy feat, but it can be done with dedication and perseverance. Try implementing these five tips to help you stop spending money you don’t have, and start living a life free of addictive spending tendencies.